In the field of Angiography, practitioners/physicians can make use of Iodinated Contrast Material (ICM) in their procedures, and there are many good reasons to do this, with clear imaging being just one of them. However, at Kinepict, we are pioneers and advocates for the use of CO2 in place of ICM.
In Below The Knee (BTK) procedures, the network of blood vessels is very clustered and close together, meaning that during the procedure, a temporary strain can be placed on the kidneys. This is not so much of an issue with fully fit patients, but could be potentially fatal for patients from high-risk or vulnerable groups. CO2 reduces this strain in comparison to ICM. Additionally, Angiography patients are far less likely to suffer from an allergic reaction to CO2 than they are from ICM, making the treatments much safer and much less complicated. The only issue with the use of CO2 is that in order to keep the image quality as clear as possible, we need to increase radiation – which of course carries risks.
However, the Kinepict Medical Imaging Tool (KMIT) is able to use CO2 whilst reducing radiation protocol from 7.5 frames per second (FPS) down to just 1 FPS.
Learn more about the Kinepict Medical Imaging Tool, and book your appointment for a fully personalized consultation with one of our experts at Contact us for more information at +36-31-782-4019